The 5 Tattvas - fire

This five week kundalini yoga series is all about exploring the 5 elements - earth, air, fire, water and ether. This week we'll be exploring the fire element.
Kundalini Yoga with Ali - The 5 Tattvas: Fire element

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Meet your teacher

Ali Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Hello, I'm Ali!

Kundalini instructor. Sound bath facilitator. Clay artist. Surfer. Hiker. Plant eater. Earth lover. Light worker.

Course overview

Welcome to "The 5 Tattvas" kundalini yoga series. This is a 5 week kundalini yoga and meditation course, working with the five elements: earth, air, fire, water and ether, to balance the physical, mental and emotional manifestations of energy, that make up who we are and how we show up in the world.

Lesson overview


  1. Lesson 1: Earth.
  2. Lesson 2: Air.
  3. Lesson 3: Fire.
  4. Lesson 4: Water.
  5. Lesson 4: Ether.

The fire aspect in Kundalini yoga is all about the vibration and frequency of the solar plexus chakra, located in the naval area. This area is like the 'engine,' controlling the movement of energy in the physical body. It's all about confidence and personal power. Making positive changes in your life and sustaining those changes to keep your inner fire burning.

Finding ways to incorporate flames of fire, light, and sunshine into your life is the key to balancing this area. Create a warm glow in your home using colours and lighting and other visual connections to nature and transformation. Light a candle and gaze at the flame, go outside and be in the sunlight, even if it is cloudy, the sun is still shining behind those clouds lighting up the earth! 

Keeping this element in balance is about taking action, doing something to improve your situation in life, and stepping forwards with courage. It's about trying something new, allowing yourself to be seen and be heard, and having the courage to embrace your vulnerability.


What you'll learn

  • How to ignite the energy of transformation within you.
  • Connect with your sense of self power, self love and self worth.
  • Find the courage to step into the unknown and try something new.
  • Find the courage to allow yourself to be seen and heard.
  • Fire is all about action, change and transformation - think about what you want to transform in your life.

What's in the video?

  • An introductory chat around the topics mentioned above.
  • A kundalini warmup routine.
  • A kriya comprised of exercises working on the naval area.
  • A savasana and a cool down routine.
  • A closing Sat Nam mantra to seal in the energy of the practice.

Video length

  • This is a 54 minute lesson.

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