The bubble lounge is our collection of video lessons to help you relax and release anxiety. We've got kundalini yoga, fitness classes and singing lessons. Next month we'll have more of the same - plus we'll also be adding some yin yoga, slow flows and yoga nidra.
Bubble Lounge
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New this Month
Check out all of the latest videos added to the bubble lounge over the last month.
Online Yoga Classes
Relax, let go and release anxiety with our online yoga classes. We've got kundalini yoga - with yin yoga and yoga nidra coming in December.
Online Gym and Fitness Classes.
Mental health and physical health are intricately connected, each helping to improve the other! Check out our personal trainer led, online fitness classes.
Find your Voice
We all have a unique voice which is central to our sense of identity. These classes will help you to connect with and become comfortable with the sound of our own voice, leading to greater confidence and authenticity in the way you present yourself in the world.