The 5 Tattvas - ether

This five week kundalini yoga series is all about exploring the 5 elements - earth, air, fire, water and ether. This week we'll be exploring the ether element.
Kundalini Yoga with Ali - The 5 Tattvas: ether element

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Meet your teacher

Ali Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher

Hello, I'm Ali!

Kundalini instructor. Sound bath facilitator. Clay artist. Surfer. Hiker. Plant eater. Earth lover. Light worker.

Course overview

Welcome to "The 5 Tattvas" kundalini yoga series. This is a 5 week kundalini yoga and meditation course, working with the five elements: earth, air, fire, water and ether, to balance the physical, mental and emotional manifestations of energy, that make up who we are and how we show up in the world.

Lesson overview


  1. Lesson 1: Earth.
  2. Lesson 2: Air.
  3. Lesson 3: Fire.
  4. Lesson 4: Water.
  5. Lesson 4: Ether.

The ether aspect in Kundalini yoga is all about the vibration and frequency of the throat chakra, which is connected to communication, authenticity and tone. It's all about the vibrations we are sending out into the universe, and how we are using this power to create our reality.

These vibrations travel throughout and beyond the physical body. Finding ways to incorporate good vibrations in the form of music, atmosphere, sound and spending time in silence also, is the key to balancing this area.

Keeping this element in balance is about being in full awareness of what you think, say and do. It's about what stories you are telling yourself, on every level, about who you are, and how you are projecting this out into the world, and beyond.

Change your vibration, and you will change your world, and the world at large, and beyond the world far into the depths of the universe, and then it will reflect back at some point sooner or later, in one way or another! 

If you're curious about the akashic records theory and philosophy - a place all where all your vibrations, thoughts, actions and deeds are stored (and in some teachings also reflected back in your life path, circumstances and experiences) - have a little "Google".


What you'll learn

  • We'll cover a brief introduction to the akashic records.
  • Become mindful and aware of the vibrations you're putting out into the universe, and how these vibrations may reflect back to you.
  • Learn how to work on transforming your energetic vibration.
  • Become mindful of the transformational power you have within you, and how to use this power wisely - because this power not only affects you, it has a knock-on effect on everyone and everything around you.

What's in the video?

  • An introductory chat around the topics mentioned above.
  • A kundalini warmup routine.
  • A kriya with 5 exercises to help you to work on the vibration you're putting out into the universe.
  • A savasana and a cool down routine.
  • A closing Sat Nam mantra to seal in the energy of the practice.

Video length

  • This is a 70 minute lesson.

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