
Ali Online Kundalini Yoga Teacher

About me

Hello, I'm Ali! Kundalini instructor. Sound bath facilitator. Clay artist. Surfer. Hiker. Plant eater. Earth lover. Light worker.

KundAlini yoga is an energy-based holistic yoga practise involving a combination of mantra, movement, meditation, postures, breath-work, balance and stretches, followed by a lovely relaxation to complete the session. It is quite different to other styles of yoga, and really has to be experienced to be understood. 

KundAlini is not just incredible for our physical health, it also works on the body-mind-heart connection and the electromagnetic fields of energy that reside within us. Each session will support you in gently clearing subconscious clutter that is holding you back and re-writing any limiting beliefs you hold about what is possible for you.

This is powerful stuff, and its also very nurturing and relaxing.

Join me in one of my lessons to find out for yourself! 👇

My courses

Awakening to your potential

The 5 Tattvas

Opening the crown chakra

Work with me

Please get in touch if you have any questions, or if you would like to work with me in some capacity.

Meet the team

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