Bubble Lounge > Yoga Classes > Kundalini Yoga
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Hello, I'm Ali!
Kundalini instructor. Sound bath facilitator. Clay artist. Surfer. Hiker. Plant eater. Earth lover. Light worker.
Course overview
Welcome to the "Awakening to your Potential" Kundalini yoga series for August 2024. So we have now arrived at the final week, week 4 where we will be bringing lots of energy to the solar plexus, to strengthen our physical and mental balance, and to help us keep going in the direction of our goals and dreams.
Lesson overview
- Lesson 1: Rid yourself of internal anger.
- Lesson 2: Breaking addictions.
- Lesson 3: Strengthening your auric field.
- Lesson 4: Attain and maintain a healthy mental balance (you're here right now!)
This week's class is "For A Healthy Mental Balance" which is about activating and balancing the body's energy. These exercises circulate the energy to the brain, concluding with a powerful meditation/rest/relaxation to balance the mind.
Solar plexus activation alongside a cleansing lion's breath in the first two exercises deeply detoxes old ways of being. Then comes transformation and redirection of energy in the frog pose.
We follow on with brain training and grounding in celibate pose, and then finish with the tuck and bounce pose, to strengthen the mind and body and bring willpower to continue on the path of awakening, evolution, and upgrading yourself moment to moment, day by day, month any month, year by year!!!
What you'll learn
- Consciously observe the thought patterns of your mind.
- Stay grounded in the present moment.
- Stay focused on your goals and intentions.
What's in the video?
- An introductory chat around the topics mentioned above.
- A kundalini warmup routine.
- A kriya for a healthy mental balance.
Video length
- This is a 60 minute lesson.
Video transcript
Note: this is a transcript of the introductory chat. The full video transcript is available within the video playback settings.
Minutes 0 - 4: Introductory chat.
Minutes 4 - 19: Kundalini tune in and warm up sequence.
Minutes 19 - 43: kriya. Ex 1: 1 minute Lion's breath & Bow Pose. Ex2: Camel Pose with lion's breath again - for 1 min. Frog pose for 1 min. Ex 4: Celibate Pose. Ex 5. 'Tuck and Bounce'
Minutes 43 - 50: 'Har' 'Seed of change' meditation in easy pose.
Minutes 50 - 67: Savasana and Sat Nam mantra, to seal in the energy of the practice.
Introductory chat:
Good morning! Sat Nam!
My name's Ali Amarjot Kaur. I'm sharing a kundalini yoga meditation practice with you today.
So we're on week 4 of the Awaken to your Potential course. We've been through a few things this last month. We did like um, getting rid of inner anger, healing addiction, strengthening your auric field, and now we're moving onto a set which is about - this is kind of the culmination of the set - awakening to your potential, is about really having the mindset, the healthy mindset, to continually keep this area of a high vibration.
So we were working on getting rid of anger and transforming things that irritate you into positive actions and changes.
We were working on healing addictions and habits that become so ingrained in your body that sometimes they can be really unhelpful. So working on a set to transform, heal and change the pineal gland - the base of the pineal gland - inside your skull, to change the brain chemistry and set new habits for yourself.
Last week was about strengthening your aura and having healthy boundaries. So that you're really clear about what you're OK with and what you're not, and you make decisions according and in alignment with that.
And this week is about making sure you maintain all that stuff, and don't just like forget it, and crack on, and it come back up as another kinda wave of, 'oh, I'm back in that cycle again'.
So this is a really powerful set. It's called, 'For a Healthy Mental Balance.' So a healthy mental balance. So it's about strengthening your mind and strengthening your body on a number of different levels.
It's about detoxing any remnants of, 'I'm not sure if this is gonna work...I don't really know. I'm struggling with having faith and trust in certain situations...' ...about your transformation and evolution.
It's about having a really strong and healthy mind about those situations. The mental balance is key. Because if your mind switches into, 'oh no, but what if, what if...' and we start concerning ourself too much - there's obviously a healthy balance to that, but when it gets a bit too much, we can get lost in a whirlpool of thoughts. Almost like, predicting, pre-empting, anticipating, almost trying to plan out the future of, 'what I'll do if, what I'll do if, what I'll do if...' ...and sometimes we can totally miss this moment now, and we can slide ourselves into a future space, but we're not actually there yet.
So it can create like an unnecessary stress, and also put you out of balance, yeah. So this is like a mental balance to stay present, and strong, and watch your mind, watch your thoughts and recognise that you can transform that. If something comes and you're like, 'hang on a minute, there's that little thing again. I wanna try to do it differently this time.' Or, 'Oh, I'm having that thought again. Alright so...'
Recognise that you're having the thought, rather than just kind of acting on them immediately, is really, really helpful for this mental balance - that you're watching your mind. Your soul is watching your mind playing out, and choosing which parts to take as, 'yeah, I need to do that,' and which parts are like, something working itself out, that doesn't need to have action taken on it, or perhaps needs to just have the volume turned down on it a bit, and give yourself a different focus in that moment.
So, healthy mental balance, there are quite a lot of exercises in here. The title of each exercise, pretty much, is, 'a powerful something...a powerful something...' So there's a lot of power required in this space, to maintain healthy mental balance. The mind can be like - the monkey mind can go wild very, very quickly, just given a tiny bit of information.
So it's about trying to stay focused. Stay focused on yourself. Your goals. What your intentions are. On the fact that this is you know, the Awakening to your Potential series, so it's like recognising what's going on with you, moment to moment, and keeping your eyes open. Keep your eyes peeled for that. Otherwise we can get lost in our mind and not actually pay attention to what's happening, or presenting itself in front of us, moment to moment.
So, this is for healthy mental balance.
[warmup routine starts]
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