Bubble Lounge > Yoga Classes > Kundalini Yoga
Meet your teacher

Hello, I'm Ali!
Kundalini instructor. Sound bath facilitator. Clay artist. Surfer. Hiker. Plant eater. Earth lover. Light worker.
Course overview
Welcome to the "Awakening to your Potential" Kundalini yoga series. This four week course was originally recorded in August 2024, to align with the powerful energies of the Lion's Gate Portal, which was energetically active from July 28th through to August 12th, reaching it's peak on August 8th.
The Lion's Gate Portal occurs during the Leo season every year. It's a time when the earth, sun and Sirius align in the cosmos and cast the brightest light waves and light codes down to our planet. This increase in light during Leo season is said to be an opportunity to upgrade your energy, awaken the courageous and big hearted lion within, set clear boundaries, maintain autonomy, and find courage to live your life on your own terms.
Feel the Lion energy RRROOOOAAARRRR!!!! 🦁 🦁 🦁
Lesson overview
- Lesson 1: Rid yourself of internal anger.
- Lesson 2: Breaking addictions.
- Lesson 3: Strengthening your auric field (you're here right now!).
- Lesson 4: Attain and maintain a healthy mental balance.
Thank you for joining me for this journey, and so we have now arrived at week three, where we will be strengthening the auric field!!! :)
Strengthening your auric field is all about boundaries: breaking unhealthy boundaries and creating new healthier ones by reflecting on the relationship you have with yourself, others and the universe.
We are talking about physical, mental and emotional boundaries in all situations: How do you show up day to day and honour yourself in the present moment? What projections do you have about yourself and others? How clouded/limited/expansive is your vision of yourself and others? How does your energy field impact on others and vice versa?
One to journal on perhaps in the light of the full moon this week. Enjoy!
What you'll learn
- Define your boundaries - what is important to you right now?
- Think about how to protect and assert your personal boundaries with clarity and communication, in a firm but non-aggressive way.
- Learn to see your boundaries as an act of self love, rather than a fear of others.
What's in the video?
- A chat where I cover the topics mentioned above.
- A kundalini warmup routine.
- A 3 part set of exercises for strengthening the auric field and enhancing your boundaries.
- A savasana and closing Sat Nam mantra to seal in the energy of the practice.
Video length
- This is a 60 minute lesson.
Video transcript
Note: this is a transcript of the introductory chat. The full video transcript is available within the video playback settings.
Minutes 0 - 10: Introductory chat.
Minutes 10 - 32: Kundalini tune in and warm up sequence.
Minutes 32 - 54: 3 part set of exercises to strengthen the auric field.
Minutes 54 - 57: Savasana and Sat Nam mantra, to seal in the energy of the practice.
Introductory chat:
Sat Nam. Good morning! My name is Ali Amarjot Kaur. I'm sharing a kundalini yoga and meditation practice with you today. We're working through a series called awakening to your potential.
A very powerful series.
The first one was all about getting rid of inner anger and frustrations, which can eat you up. And also then, you project it onto people, like a sort of cloud of energy around you, which can be really destructive. So we were directing it into being constructive. So that was week 1 - getting rid of inner anger and frustration, so the energy can flow more clearly.
Second week, last week was about healing addictions to all kinds of things - bad habits. Reprogramming the brain chemistry actually, in that one - and connecting with the pineal gland - the base of the pineal gland, right in the centre of the skull, through various movements and mudras.
So yeah, getting rid of addictions, habits, things where you just keep repeating the same thing again and again, and you find yourself getting caught up in a familiar cycle, which is not a pleasant one, or something you've maybe resigned yourself to because, 'oh, this is just how I am.' Or, 'this is just what I do...'
And that resignation can obviously mean, at best a lack of growth and evolution, but at worst it can be really damaging of course, depending on what kind of addiction we are talking about. Whether it's an addiction to behaving a certain way in a certain situation, or whether it's an addiction to drugs, or alcohol, or something like this. or gambling and so on.
So we've got all the different kind of like addiction and habits, all in the same ballpark. See what it is that was coming up for you and working on that, so you can transform and change the brain chemistry. So it becomes a choice in the moment, as opposed to just something you fall into.
So it was to draw your attention instead - so that when you're in those moments where a cycle is about to repeat, that you've broken, or worked on breaking, then you'll have that sudden moment of like, 'hang on a minute, I wasn't going to do this, right?' So you have the moment to stop and reconsider.
So that's kinda what that was about last week.
So this week, this one's about boundaries. Because once you've kind of worked through moving frustrations, which would cloud your vision on your future to awaken to your potential, to see what could be - getting rid of frustrations of the past, trying to break addictions and cycles which are not serving you well, then we're refreshed now to move forwards.
So we're going to be doing a set about boundaries. So it's about creating strong and healthy boundaries around you, in a number of ways really.
Physically. Right. So that you have your own space. So that you feel - literally - that your space is not being invaded by others, and if you feel that it is, then you do something about it. Whether it's saying something, or moving away. Make a choice to change that situation.
Because sensitivity levels vary from person to person. Some people are very aware if they're in your personal space - and they will do something about that. Or avoid doing that. Because they're aware of it.
Some people are totally not aware at all, and can be standing very, very, very close to you, and not realise that that's invading your personal space because they're not aware themselves, of their own personal boundaries. So, it's about your choice to move away, and to recognise that you say something and move away, on a physical level.
But also emotionally healthy boundaries. Like what you're OK with, what you're not OK with, and speaking it out, and making it really clear and being consistent with that, on an emotional level.
Boundaries about where you're at with those things, and owning when you've let a boundary slip, or owning an issue you have, or re-instating.
So boundaries are very important. About what rules you're choosing to live by - now and going forwards. Systems you want to put into place, going forwards. Protecting those, um...especially when they're new - protecting them so that you don't umm..so that you do establish a bit of a new, healthy habit, of having healthy boundaries.
When things are new, typically they can be quite fragile, and easily dropped, or changed, or trampled on, basically. Like new, fresh seeds growing, you know...
...and people might not notice them, because they're so small. If we don't nourish them well, you know - they feel like a little seed, planted in the forest somewhere - if you don't sort of like, caretake for it to some degree, or set up a circumstance in environment, where it's going to have the best chance of surviving and becoming a strong boundary, and a healthy one, then yes, it might get eaten by something, or it might get trampled on, or dug up, by something, or who who knows. Or not get enough water, or sunlight...
So, it's important when you're setting new boundaries for yourself, about what you're OK and what you're not OK with, and what you feel is good for you and what is not, and being really clear about your communication, to really take care of those steps, and re-instate that, to remind yourself and other people - if anyone else is involved in that at all - that actually, 'this is my boundary. Please respect my boundary.'
Instate it like it's your job to protect your boundaries. No-one is going to protect your boundaries for you. Apart from anything else, they don't necessarily know what they are. They're focused on their own, of course. It's important for you to be really clear about that, so it becomes familiar to anyone who you're around frequently, they're very clear about the boundaries, about what you're OK with.
If you're OK with being hugged or not. Some people go in to give people a hug when they meet them, and for some people that may be very invasive of their space and not feel comfortable.
So it's about making sure that you can be clear, but that you can be polite, about what you're OK with and what you're not OK with. Yeah, or find a way of navigating that, so that you don't accept something that's not OK and tell yourself that you're being silly. That kind of thing, on any level. So that you're really clear, that this is what I'm OK with at the moment.
So it takes quite a lot of courage as well, to stand in your power with that, on whatever level.
So, physical boundaries. Protect those. We'll be working on that energy. We'll be working on the emotional boundary.
We'll be working on the mental boundary - like, the mindset. There's a conversation happening and you feel that something is being said. Or there's a bit of information coming in, or around, that just doesn't feel right for you, then make a choice. Say something. Stand up for yourself. Protect your boundary. Defend your boundary if necessary. Put across your point of view. You have a right to have a viewpoint. You have a right to have a voice.
So it's this really curious energy about boundaries. Other people's boundaries are their business. None of our business at all. But your boundaries are your business. And if you don't have boundaries that are healthy for you - and keep re-assessing them for yourself, because it's gonna change and evolve, to some degree, over time - certainly some of them will. Then you end up with your whole energy field being imbued with other people's energy for a start - that may not be helpful for you.
It might be challenging. It might be very confusing. You lose sight of your own journey because you get confused in other people's different energies. It's very invasive, actually. It can be quite invasive if we're not careful about those boundaries.
So, physically, mentally and emotionally protecting yourself, and setting new boundaries, rhythms, clarity, communication about what you want. Communication about something that is a line that you don't want to be crossed, or that you're setting that out very clearly, on whatever level.
For example you have like, 'between this time and this time, I want some quiet time every day,' and if you're living with someone who is like, 'yeah, yeah, whatever,' and carries on making lots of noise in the space, then maybe that's another opportunity to just be like, OK, I'll just reset that boundary.
If it means that you have to leave the house for that quiet time, then do that. But you could also re-request it from your housemates / partner / children, or whatever that might be: 'This is something I really need, and please if you can't respect it this space, for whatever reason, then I'm going to be leaving this space for that time.'
So yeah, this kind of thing.
You're making sure you find a way for protecting it and adapting, and being creative about how you do that. Whether that means leaving the space, or I don't know, insulating a room so you can be at peace and quiet in there. Who knows!
But yeah, just an example!
Don't just give up your boundary because it doesn't align with someone else's.
So, this is all about boundaries.
There are three exercises, which we'll go into of course, once we've tuned in. And I would like to in invite you to think about, for this week's practice, think about where in your life you feel that a boundary needs to be set, on some level, for yourself.
This is all about for yourself. A boundary with other people's energy only happens because you decide it. It's your decision. And it's your decision whether, and how, you reinforce that for yourself, for your own well-being - physical, mental and emotional well-being. So that you can grow and evolve and respect yourself.
Think about anywhere in your life where you need to, on a physical, mental or emotional level, create a healthy boundary, that is important to you, right now.
[warmup routine starts]
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