
Lisa Jane - creator of ToTheMoonOnTuesday

About me

Hello, I'm Lisa - I am the creator of ToTheMoonOnTuesday and the captain of our spaceship! πŸ–οΈ 😊 😊

When I'm not commandeering a spaceship, you can find me running, swimming, doing yoga - mainly yin and kundalini, eating cake, drinking coffee and spending time with my family.


My story

This website has grown out of my own experiences over the last few years. After reaching a bit of a 'slump' in life a few years ago, I decided to take up personal training sessions, with the modest intentions of 'losing a bit of weight' and 'getting some energy back.'

It unexpectedly turned out to be the start of so much more for me.

As I lost weight and started regaining energy, other funny things started happening to me. I started to soften. I felt happier. And the happier I began to feel within myself, the more forgiving and understanding I started to feel of the people around me. Even people that I perhaps felt had 'wronged' me, or hurt me in the past - in the words of Louise Hay, we're all just doing the best that we know how...

"Everything is connected"

I realised that when we start caring for ourselves physically, it is the first step towards unlocking those deeper layers of ourselves - the mental, emotional and spiritual layers of ourselves.


The time when I discovered yoga!

My journey deepened further, when a few months into personal training, I discovered yoga and positive affirmations. Whilst looking for some exercise recovery videos on YouTube, I stumbled across Yoga with Kassandra, who uniquely combines gentle yoga flows with positive affirmations - and as I discovered, positive affirmations are such a powerful tool for inspiring confidence, self-belief, personal transformation and growth.


More about me

To find out even more about me, check out the slides below, originally published on Instagram - follow ToTheMoonOnTuesday on Instagram to keep up to date with everything.

The Team

Click on the profile pics below to find out more about the rest of the team!

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