Bubble Lounge > Fitness Classes
Meet your teacher

Hello, I'm Toby!
💪🏻 Personal trainer & health coach. My favourite colour is black. I'm a bit of an idiot...but I have a good heart hidden somewhere within me! 🤔 🖤
Course overview
Welcome to this course of easy online fitness classes. Whilst originally recorded for a project called 'Body and Mind,' aimed at the over 55s age group, these classes are suitable for everybody looking for gentle sets of exercises to increase strength, flexibility and mobility.
There are around 30 videos in the 'Body and Mind' series. We will be gradually releasing these to you over the coming weeks and months.
Each lesson is just 15 to 20 minutes in length, making these classes short, quick and easy to integrate into your busy daily routine!
Lesson Overview
- Class 1: Easy Fitness for Everybody - Workout 1
- Class 2: Easy Fitness for Everybody - Workout 2
- Class 3: Easy Fitness for Everybody - Workout 3 (you're here right now!)
This lesson is a resistance and movement session and it is split into three parts: a warmup, a main workout session and finally, a short cool down.
For this class you will need a mat and some dumbbells/weights, if you have them (alternatively, a couple of drink bottles will work as weights).
- March on the spot
- Weighted shrugs
- Weighted jabs
- Weighted raises
- Jog on the spot
Main Workout:
- Bicep curls
- Shoulder press
- Cross-body hooks
- Lateral raises
- Squat front raises
- High knee march
- Bent over rows
- Hammer curls
Finally, we'll close the session with a cool down, which includes some easy stretches.
Video Length
- This is a 14 minute video lesson.
Video transcript
[Minutes 0 - 1: Introductory chat]
Hi there and welcome back to another Body and Mind over 55s exercise video.
So today we're going to do everything using our dumbbells, or our weights that we have at home - so that could be a couple of tins of baked beans, or it could just be something that weighs the same...
OK, so let's get going. We're going to go into the warmup. Then we're going to go straight from the warmup, into the main bulk of exercises. So these [dumbbells] are going to stay in your hands for today's full routine.
[Minutes 1 - 4: Warmup Routine]
[Minutes 4 - 14: Main Workout]
[Minutes 14 - 16: Cooldown and closing chat]
OK guys, so that's the end of today's video. Really well done. Thank you very much for joining me. Really, really tough session you know, so like I said earlier, if you do feel stiff and tired through those shoulders or arms, just make sure you get those stretches done that we've run through. Or just look back through any of the other videos that we've done to date and there's plenty of fantastic mobility and stretching exercises in there, that I recommend you do.
OK, well thanks very much for joining me, take care, and see you soon.
[Toby waves goodbye!]
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