Nightly gratitude worksheets

Printable gratitude worksheets with nightly journal prompts for reflection and letting go of the day.
Nightly Journal. Printable PDF gratitude worksheets with journal prompts for reflection and letting go.

About this nightly journal

💖 🌝 Do you dream of falling asleep easily every night, with an empty head and a heart full of gratitude!? If so, then this printable nightly gratitude journal is EXACTLY the new tool you need in your life! 🌝 💖

⭐ This nightly journal is comprised of 4 worksheets. Print these worksheets daily to use as part of your evening gratitude and reflection routine.

🌙 ✨ Worksheet 1 ✨ 🌙

Gratitude prompts

Page 1 contains gratitude journaling prompts to help you remember all of the good things from your day.
After working through this sheet, you will be filled with a sense of inner peace, as you come back to a place of remembering all of the good in your life. The more you practice gratitude, the more these feelings will grow. The more we are grateful for what we already have, the more easily we can attract more of what we want into our lives.

🌙 ✨ Worksheet 2 ✨ 🌙

Moving on and letting go

Perhaps some things didn't go as planned today. That's OK too. Now is the time to acknowledge those things, then let them go, instead looking towards a fresh start tomorrow.

🌙 ✨ Worksheet 3 ✨ 🌙

Energy analysis

Energy is everything. As per the Law of Attraction, we manifest into our lives, people, places and situations that vibrate at a similar energy to ourselves. This worksheet will help you to become more aware of your energy, the things in your life that may be draining your energy, and the things that are filling you with energy.

🌙 ✨ Worksheet 4 ✨ 🌙

'Dear Universe' journal page

Finally there is a 'letter to the universe' page included - a space for you to delve deeper into your thoughts and feelings from the day. Have a chat with the universe about how your day went! Writing things down helps to empty your head, preparing you for a restful night of sleep!

Nightly journal with prompts for gratitude, reflection and letting go of the day.
Nightly Gratitude Journal - printable worksheets with gratitude prompts.

The worksheets are provided in PDF format and are perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

Why you should use these gratitude worksheets

Fall asleep each night with an empty head and a heart full of gratitude!
Journal and release your thoughts from the day.
Grow a deep sense of gratitude for everything you already have.
Raise your energy and positive vibes.
Manifest more good things into your life.

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Printable worksheets with journal prompts for gratitude, reflection and letting go of the day.

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