List of self love affirmations

FREE Printable pdf list of positive affirmations for self love, self worth and self care.
PDF list of printable positive affirmations for self love.

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A list of 23 positive affirmations for self love, self worth and self care. These affirmations for self love are intended to inspire kindness and self acceptance, as well as a sense of knowing our own true value and worth. The kinder we are to ourselves, the more we have to give, and the more gentle, loving and accepting we become of everyone and everything around us.

List of affirmations for self love

A list of the self love positive affirmations included in this PDF download

  1. My mind and energy are so beautiful.
  2. I believe in myself.
  3. I deserve a second chance.
  4. My eyes are full of light, warmth, compassion and happiness.
  5. I shine like a star.
  6. People are drawn to my energy and my light.
  7. My creativity knows no bounds.
  8. I am kind and compassionate.
  9. I love every cell of my body.
  10. I am noticed and I am liked.
  11. I always see the best in myself and in others. I realise that we are all doing the best that we know how.
  12. I radiate love and love fills my life.
  13. I am worthy of love and joy.
  14. I love myself deeply and unconditionally.
  15. I am unique and it is my greatest strength.
  16. I have a beautiful, massive heart, which is always overflowing with love, kindness, gratitude and compassion.
  17. My aura is beautiful.
  18. My body is glowing, healthy and flexible.
  19. I am gentle, yet steadfast and strong.
  20. My smile is infectious.
  21. I let go of all fear and allow my true self to shine through.
  22. I am grateful for all of the love in my life.
  23. I look in the mirror and love what I see.

This list of self love affirmations is provided in PDF format and is perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

23 printable self love affirmations - download the PDF and print at home.

How to use this affirmation list

Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for journaling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and write about how this affirmation makes you feel. Do you believe in the affirmation? Does the affirmation make you feel good when you say it, or do you feel some resistance to the affirmation? If you have resistance, write about why you may feel this way: are there any events in your past which may have shaped the way you feel about this affirmation? Are there any things you could do to feel better about this affirmation?
Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for drawing and doodling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and draw any images, thoughts and ideas that come to mind, relating to this affirmation.
Frame this list of positive affirmations, or pin it to your wall, to inspire and encourage you throughout your day.
Each morning, pick an affirmation from the list and keep it in mind for guidance throughout your day.

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