List of positive affirmations for anxiety

FREE printable pdf list of positive affirmations for anxiety. Let go of fear, breathe, and trust that everything will be OK.
Printable PDF list of 39 positive affirmations for anxiety.

About this printable PDF download

A list of 39 printable positive affirmations for anxiety. These affirmations are intended to help you through challenging times, encouraging you to keep going, trusting that everything will be OK, and already is OK.

List of affirmations for anxiety

A list of the anxiety affirmations included in this PDF download

  1. I allow myself to be held and supported by the earth and nature.
  2. This too shall pass.
  3. I did my best today and that's enough.
  4. I breathe deeply and stay grounded in the present moment.
  5. I let go of all fear.
  6. I can relax. Everything is OK and always will be OK.
  7. All of the changes that lie before me in life are positive ones. I am safe.
  8. When things get difficult I am strong enough to stay in the centre of the storm, facing whatever life throws at me, working through things with my inner strength, calmness and courage.
  9. I always honour the present moment.
  10. Peace, clarity and calmness reside at the very heart of the storm. If I can withstand, perhaps even embrace the storm, I will eventually find my way to that place of peace and calm.
  11. I have enough.
  12. I trust in the flow of life.
  13. When anxiety and fear start to creep into my mind, I withdraw myself from my thoughts. I stop to take in the sights, sounds and smells around me, as well as the silence and space between things. I ask myself if everything is OK right now, in this moment? The answer is always, "Yes, I am safe right now." Then everything slows down & I become calm.
  14. I am enough.
  15. When I feel tense I let go of my thoughts. I remember to relax all of my muscles from head to toe, whilst taking slow, deep breaths to ground myself in the present moment.
  16. I have a special guardian angel. I am divinely guided and protected at all times.
  17. I am so proud of how far I've come.
  18. Entering situations which make us afraid is the only way in which we can grow.
  19. There is enough for everyone, including me.
  20. I am steady and focused. I feel more secure each day.
  21. I have the self esteem, power and confidence to move forward in life with ease.
  22. I choose faith over fear.
  23. I let go of the need for control and trust that things will turn out for the best.
  24. I am a magnet for miracles.
  25. It is OK to ask for help when I need it.
  26. I realise that stress is only fear. I now release all fears.
  27. The moment I let go of expectations is the moment I become free.
  28. I am unafraid of sharing my fears and anxieties. It is a sign of strength to do so.
  29. I don't know what the future holds for me and I am OK with that.
  30. It doesn't matter what other people think of me. All that matters is what I think of myself.
  31. I am fully surrendered to the flow of life.
  32. I let go of the need for perfection.
  33. I trust that if I do my best in any given moment, my life will unfold in perfect harmony. All of the things that are meant for me will come to me.
  34. When life gets challenging, I keep moving forward, taking things one small step at a time.
  35. The universe loves me and supports me in every possible way.
  36. Whenever uncomfortable emotions arise within me, I pause. I place my hand on the part of my body where I feel the emotion the most. I acknowledge and accept the emotion, whilst directing slow, deep breaths to that part of my body.
  37. I am the architect of my reality.
  38. Angels, stars and the moon are taking care of me.
  39. I am not my thoughts. I am the observer of my thoughts.

This list of positive affirmations for anxiety is provided in PDF format and is perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

How to use this anxiety affirmation list

Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for journaling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and write about how this affirmation makes you feel. Do you believe in the affirmation? Does the affirmation make you feel good when you say it, or do you feel some resistance to the affirmation? If you have resistance, write about why you may feel this way: are there any events in your past which may have shaped the way you feel about this affirmation? Are there any things you could do to feel better about this affirmation?
Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for drawing and doodling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and draw any images, thoughts and ideas that come to mind, relating to this affirmation.
Frame this list of positive affirmations, or pin it to your wall, to inspire and encourage you throughout your day.
Each morning, pick an affirmation from the list and keep it in mind for guidance throughout your day.

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