List of 31 affirmations for men

FREE printable pdf list of affirmations on inner strength, for men going through tough times.
Printable PDF list of 31 affirmations on inner strength for men.

About this affirmation list

🖤 A FREE list of 31 positive affirmations on inner strength for men going through tough times. These words of affirmation are intended to explore the true meaning of what it means to be strong during life's tough and challenging times. 🖤

31 printable positive affirmations for men - download the PDF and print at home.
This printable affirmation list is a part of the positive affirmation lists section. It is also a part of the free printables collection.

List of affirmations for men

A list of the positive affirmations included with these cards

  1. I am capable of achieving my goals and creating the life I truly desire for myself.
  2. I know that it takes courage to be honest about who I really am, and how I really feel. I have that courage.
  3. People are massively attracted to me when I let down my barriers and allow my true feelings, emotions and sensitivity to come through.
  4. When I love and respect myself, the people in my life reflect those values back to me, showing me love and respect too.
  5. I know that I don't have to handle everything on my own. It takes a strong man to ask for help from others. I am that strong man.
  6. When I don't know what to do, or how to handle a situation, I close my eyes, quiet my mind and focus on the rhythm of my breathing. As I do this,
    I find that the way forward becomes clear to me.
  7. It takes a strong man to stay present with emotional pain. I am that strong man.
  8. Peace, clarity and calm reside in the very heart of the storm. If I can withstand, and perhaps even embrace the storm, I will eventually find my way to that place of peace and calm.
  9. The more I open myself up to feeling and accepting pain, the more quickly pain can dissolve and move through me.
  10. I have unique gifts which make a difference to the lives of others. I feel grateful that I can help people and make a positive difference in the world.
  11. I know that I don't need to be tough. People have huge respect for a man who is real enough to show emotion and vulnerability. I am that real man.
  12. I fight hard to grow emotionally stronger.
  13. The world is a better place because I am in it.
  14. I know that I am worthy of healthy, positive and loving relationships.
  15. I am worthy of unconditional love.
  16. I focus on the things I can control. I let go of the things I cannot.
  17. I face adversity with strength and courage, choosing to see every challenging situation as a gift and an opportunity to grow stronger.
  18. I know that true strength is soft and gentle. I have that true strength.
  19. I know life only throws things at me it knows I am ready to handle. Things that will help me to become better and grow stronger.
  20. As I accept my ultimate powerlessness and insignificance in the universe, I am filled with a new power from within.
  21. I have the strength to take ownership of my mistakes. It takes a strong man to admit his mistakes. I am that strong man.
  22. The point at which we feel completely defeated, hopeless and powerless in life, is the point at which we can rise again, to become something much stronger than we ever were before.
  23. Real strength and power comes into my life when I have the humility to let go of everything that I cannot control.
  24. Dive deep into your soul for the treasures you seek!
  25. I don’t need other people, or possessions, to make myself look good. I am already amazing and beautiful, just as I am.
  26. "Ever since time, nothing’s ever been found, that’s stronger than love."- Johnny Cash.
  27. When life gets tough, I keep climbing that mountain. I know the view will be amazing once I get to the top!
  28. My happiness does not exist externally, in other people, places or things. Everything that is real and true, already exists inside of me.
  29. The more I run from life’s challenges, the harder things get for me. When I face my fears, things get easier.
  30. I appreciate the people in my life who support me, through the good times and the bad, regardless of the situations or difficulties I may find myself in.
  31. Forgiveness sets me free.

How to use this affirmation list

Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for journaling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and write about how this affirmation makes you feel. Do you believe in the affirmation? Does the affirmation make you feel good when you say it, or do you feel some resistance to the affirmation? If you have resistance, write about why you may feel this way: are there any events in your past which may have shaped the way you feel about this affirmation? Are there any things you could do to feel better about this affirmation?
Use this list of positive affirmations as a starting point for drawing and doodling exercises - choose an affirmation from the list and draw any images, thoughts and ideas that come to mind, relating to this affirmation.
Frame this list of positive affirmations, or pin it to your wall, to inspire and encourage you throughout your day.
Each night, pick an affirmation, or several affirmations, from the list and reflect on the words as you fall sleep. A lot happens when we sleep - you will quite possibly wake in the morning with a new sense of clarity, inspirations and ideas in your mind, based on the words you fell asleep with!

This list of positive morning affirmations is provided in PDF format and is perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

These same affirmations are also available as printable affirmation cards. Check out the links below:

31 positive affirmations for men.
31 positive affirmations for men. Words of encouragement on finding inner-strength during life’s tough and challenging times.
31 male positive affirmations for finding inner strength.
31 male positive affirmations. Words of encouragement on finding inner-strength during life’s tough and challenging times.

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