Free blank affirmation cards - water themed.

FREE 6 square blank affirmation cards designed on the theme of water, waves and the sea. Free printable PDF download.
Blank affirmation cards with a water, waves and sea theme. Square cards. Free Printable PDF download.

About these cards

A FREE set of 6 blank square affirmation cards designed on the theme of water, waves and the sea.

Get the full 24 card set

These 6 cards are a free sample from a larger set of 24 cards. Take a look at the full 24 blank water, waves and sea themed card set here:

Printable blank affirmation cards, note paper, flash cards
24 square blank affirmation cards designed on the theme of water, waves and the sea. Printable PDF download.

These blank affirmation cards are provided in PDF format and are perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

How to use the cards

Print out these blank cards and use them as affirmation cards, sticky notes, post it notes, thank you notes, or in any other way you desire. Here are some ideas:

Write your own positive affirmations.
Write down inspirational and motivational quotes.
Write journaling prompts and thoughts to explore.
Use the cards as decorative note paper.
Use the cards as part of a vision board or manifesting board.

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Check out the blank affirmation cards section for more resources.

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