About these cards
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A FREE set of 18 positive affirmation coloring cards for kids. These 18 cards are a free sample from a larger set of 100 cards. Take a look at the full 100 coloring affirmation cards for kids here:
100 coloring affirmation cards for kids. 17 printable pages.
Coloring affirmation sheets for kids. 100 cards laid out on 17 printable pages.

Print layouts and format
These kids coloring affirmation cards are provided in PDF format and are perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper.

How to use the cards
Coloring can help with anxiety - use these printable coloring cards to encourage feelings of calm and relaxation in your child.
Coloring encourages creativity - use these coloring cards to help spark and develop your child's creativity and imagination.
Encourage your child to talk about the affirmations on these cards. Ask your child questions such as, 'What do you think these words. mean?' 'How do these words make you feel?' 'Do you think these words are true?' 'What could you do to make these words feel more true for you?'
Encourage creativity even further by helping your child to create a big mood board or display from all of their colored in affirmations. Expand the mood board - and your child's creativity - by getting your child to add their own words and drawings to the display.
Keep you child inspired by pinning their completed coloring cards around the house, as a constant reminder to them, of their creativity and their self worth.
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Check out the kids section for more resources for kids, as well as the coloring section for more coloring resources.
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