Flower power kindness notes

24 kindness note cards with words of encouragement and fun flower power designs.
24 kindness note cards with encouraging words and compliments. Fun flower power design.

About these kindness cards

We are going to the moon. On Tuesday. Have you booked your ticket? 👉

💜 💜 💜 Spread the love with this retro flower power style set of 24 kindness cards featuring words of encouragement. 💜 💜 💜

The next official 'random acts of kindness' day is on Monday 17th February 2025 but don't let that hold you back from taking part in small acts of kindness whenever you can - you never know how much of a big difference your small gesture could make to someone.

Random act of kindness cards in bright, bold, fun, flower power style.
Encouragement notes in bright, bold, fun, flower power style.
Random act of kindness cards in bright, bold, fun, flower power style.
Random act of kindness cards in bright, bold, fun, flower power style.

Words of kindness list

A list of the compliments and words of encouragement included with these cards

  1. Always follow your heart.
  2. Take a break. You deserve it!
  3. Believe, and you will receive.
  4. Don't give up. The best is yet to come!
  5. Be the person who believes in you!
  6. If you believe you can, you will.
  7. You are unique, special and loved.
  8. You're such an amazing person! I hope you have a fantastic day today!
  9. Have an amazing day today!
  10. I believe in you!
  11. It's just a little bit further! Keep going.
  12. I hope that you know just how wonderful you are!
  13. Keep going! It will be worth it in the end, I promise!
  14. Take things one step at a time. You'll get there, I promise!
  15. You're doing so well!
  16. You are so much more than you think you are!
  17. The world needs you! Keep shining your light!
  18. Be brave enough to let people see who you really are.
  19. You are seen and appreciated. The world is a better place because you are in it.
  20. Slow down, breathe and relax.
  21. Every day is a fresh start.
  22. Let go, relax and trust that you are being taken care of.
  23. Step into your power with confidence and grace.
  24. You have a beautiful heart. Keep shining your light!

These kindness cards are provided in PDF format and are perfect for printing at home on A4 or US Letter paper. You can also choose between two different print layouts.

Option One: Print 8 cards to a page. 24 printable kindness cards with words of encouragement.
Option One: Print 8 cards to a page.
Option Two: Print 4 cards to a page. 24 printable kindness cards with words of encouragement.
Option Two: Print 4 cards to a page.

How to use these kindness cards

Leave a kindness card in a random place for someone to find - such as on a coffee shop table, or inside a restaurant menu, or on a train seat, or at a bus stand, or on a park bench. The universe has a way of delivering the exact message that someone needs to hear, at the time they need to hear it. Trust that the person who needs to hear your message, will find it!
Send a gift to someone and enclose one of these cards.
Use the cards as lunch box notes, to encourage and inspire your child, or partner during their school day, or work day.

Alternative versions available

These kindness cards are also available in this alternative design style.

Kindness note cards with words of encouragement.
24 kindness note cards with words of encouragement.

They kindness cards are also available with the same words and designs but an alternative square layout:

Kindness note cards with words of encouragement.
24 square kindness note cards with words of encouragement and fun flower power designs.

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Buy on Etsy

If you would like to purchase just this single set of kindness cards then head on over to the Etsy store. Alternatively, download below... 👇

24 kindness cards in a fun 'flower power' style, each with unique words of kindness. Spread the love by leaving a card in a random place for someone to find.

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